Wednesday, November 29, 2006


As you might have noticed, the site has been acting kind of funny today and the Google Adsense ads on the side of the page have been temporarily taken down. This is because Google has accused us of somehow running a scam. We're not sure exactly why or what prompted this but we're trying mightily to fix it. Essentially they're now holding the money necessary to support the website for no reason we can figure out.

In the meantime we are pleased to announce new affiliate deals with some great companies including the always cool!

Also, we're looking forward to our matchbooks being around the city in the next few days so keep a look out.

S. and U.

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  • 87th and Lexington, CVS, Marlboro 27s and Menthols @ $6.83
  • 12-13th and 2nd, Samba's Deli, Marlboro 27s @ $8.50
  • 9th and 2nd, Any 2 Packs of Camels @ $12.00, often Camel Filters @ $10
  • 88-89th and Madison, Smoke Hut, Camel Wide Menthol Lights or Kool Menthol Lights $10.00
  • 27th and Madison, Madison Kiosk, Marlboro 27s @ $8.25, Marlboro Menthols @ $8.25
